Three part Daily Quagmire
I have always been fascinated with chicken heads. Often while I’m on the A train, on my way to the SLR office I watch women, trying to determine whether they are chicken heads or not. And chicken heads stem from the root of an original and often enough second generation chicken heads emerge and are worse than the chicken head that spawned them. And sometimes I’m fortunate enough to spot third generation versions of the species. When that occurs I’m very excited because that means chicken heads are still evolving. A lot of men call certain women they indulge jump-offs but those women are nothing but evolved first and second generation chicken heads, the third generation type.
I have tried to explain this to dudes; most don’t seem to want to accept my theory. No man wants to exist with a chicken head for any length of time but we all seem to acquire them in abundance as we exist from youth, till growing old. I figured if I wrote a brief synopsis on my hundreds of notes, documents and photos; based on my very own experience, after years of analyzing chicken heads in their natural habitat and abroad, out in the field and sometimes in my very own abode! I know scary right…? Yes, extremely.
I’m doing this for you people, not just for the men but for the ladies. Most females detest females themselves. How often have I spoken to a woman and they say their best friend is a man or they don’t like hanging out with to many females. I tell them all the time, its not that you don’t like other females, you don’t like chicken heads. It gets deeper.
And deeper still because these third generation chicken heads have transcended beyond what the original type of chicken head is and was. They dress differently, appear to be more educated and carry themselves unlike the first and second generation sort. A lot of women befriend them only to realize down the road that they are best friends with an upper scale chicken head. Men deal with them and give them snazzy titles like jump-off, but all a jump-off is, is a third generation chicken head. I can’t give you all of this in one sitting. Let’s dwell on the ideology of the theory first. I want you all too really think about this. It might have you laughing but its serious, scientific shit! I have studied this for years, don’t you dare laugh. Some scientists actually have to experiment to unlock the truth and often enough its life threatening.
Third generation chicken heads are a dilemma because to most they appear to be the simple jump-off. It need not matter what sort of woman it is, whether hood inclined, professional, house wife etc.
Let us define what a chicken head is first and then we shall waltz into what it takes for a woman to be a jump-off in tomorrows Daily Quagmire and then we shall combine both ideologies and I’ll reveal some of my notes. Let’s get to the bottom of this…
Chicken Head
Background: used primarily in male circles, with strong ties to hip-hop culture. Often used in rap music to describe groupies.
1 a girl or woman who seeks attention from popular males with high levels of status exemplified mostly by musicians or popular/wealthy boys or men from a poorer neighborhood, by submitting to sexual favors with little or no pressure.
2 a girl or woman who is passed around from one male to another, in short term, exclusively sexual relationship...
3 term for a girl or woman similar to "groupie" though the fame aspect may or may not be absent. Whereas a groupie is partial to a particular band or person, the chicken head may be indiscriminant in choice and frequently chooses boys or men from her neighborhood or school.
4 female suffering from low self esteem who prostitutes herself for short lived friendships or attention...
1 to perform oral sex on a male or males indiscriminately or in succession.
2 to suck or the act of sucking dick...
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